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Where will it stop?

Where will it stop?

After Servus TV our beloved fearleaders have made it to the early evening programme of ORF. „Heute leben“ on ORF 2 has made a tv report about our sexy boys. They also show Vienna Roller Derby for a few seconds. Tune in until the 17th of feb! Its really worth it, not just because the […]

Fearleaders and VRD on ServusTV

Fearleaders and VRD on ServusTV

After being all over the tabloids, the Fearleaders conquer the local TV stations. This week, ServusTV got an exclusive inside look on a Fearleader training session. The Vienna Rollergirls couldn’t miss out on that and got the chance to show some of their own skills. You can watch the whole report here until february, 7th – tune in at minute 37:55 to jump to […]